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Team: Vidit Bhargava, Mingzhou Gu, Lingxiu Zhang
NT-01 uses AI to record and summarise your notes and saves them into different sections.

With multiple notes, NT-01 can draw intelligent connections and help you understand topics better, augmenting your learning experience.


NT-01 Process NT-01 Process NT-01 Process NT-01 Process

Final Prototype

NT-01 Final Prototype

Responsibilities and Challenges

For this project, I was responsible for the hi-fidelity UI mock-ups (me and Mingzhou worked together on the UI), operating the OLED screen using Particle Photon and working on asynchronous execution of the OpenAI’s API calls.

While I was comfortable with UI design and programming basics, I am still new to microcontrollers and displays. For me, the challenges were:

1. Working with the OLED display and controlling the interface with a potentiometer knob.

2. Designing an interface for a new form-factor that comes with the limitations of the refresh rate (e-Ink Display)

Working with the OLED Display and creating a Digital Crown like controller for scrolling lists

Designing an interface for a new form factor that comes with the limitations of the refresh rate (e-Ink Display)

Here I worked with my team-mate Mingzhou to design an interface for our product. We wanted our notes and summary display to be an e-Ink display, but the refresh rates stopped us from offering real time updates and create any UI that would require us to show live changes. So we decided on a two display approach and designed our interface accordingly.

Mingzhou came up with the initial mock-ups and I worked on the hi-fidelity mock-ups for the UI and offered final touches in terms of the navigation flow and different states on the OLED display.

LookUp Word of the Day

Hi-Fidelity Product Shots and Animations

For our industrial design, we were inspired by Teenage Engineering’s product design aesthetic and designed our prototype accordingly.

Once we had our product prototype ready we also wanted to create hi-fidelity product mock-ups to show how we envision our product to look like finally.

I was responsible for creating both static and video mock-ups that showed the product in action.